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Cunferètzia Aberta on the Sardinian language

Cunferètzia Aberta on the Sardinian language

Meledos e Arresonos pro istèrrere sa Polìtica Linguística Benidora

Cunferètzia Aberta on the Sardinian language

On December 9, 2024, at the Lilliu Room of the Regional Library in Viale Trieste 137 in Cagliari, from 10.30 am, the Open Conference will be held on the Sardinian language, the Catalan language of Alghero and the Sassari, Gallurese and Tabarchino languages.

The Open Conference represents an opportunity for sharing and discussion between subjects and bodies interested in the problems of the sector and to verify the state of implementation of the interventions provided for by law 22/2018, to collect proposals for their adaptation to emerging needs and to define new guidelines.

This year the theme will focus on the new five-year Language Policy Plan, which seeks to define the priorities, the general objectives, the expected results and the elements necessary for the evaluation of regional language policy.

The Regional Language Policy Plan is a privileged programming tool on the issues of minority languages and identity and its founding reasons are many: to strive to achieve a balanced dissemination in the regional territory of initiatives in favor of the culture and languages of Sardinia; to stimulate the elaboration and implementation of experimentation projects and programs and to pursue the harmonization of language policy interventions.

It defines the different areas of intervention and is divided into interventions consistent with the programmatic indications of the Regional Development Plan 2025-2029

The Open Conference, chaired by the Councilor for Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport Ilaria Portas and coordinated by the Chief of Staff Andrea Dettori, will be divided into two parts: in the morning, from 10.30, the actions and main activities carried out with the previous PPL will be addressed with interventions on the School, Language Offices and mass media by the Sardinian Language and Culture Service and on Language Certifications with the interventions of the representatives of the two Sardinian universities.

In the afternoon from 15:00 we will look to the future in the light of the results of the new sociolinguistic research on young Sardinian people carried out by the University, the role of the Regional Language Desk and the contribution of the participants in the final debate.

You can also follow the event online by accessing the following link in Cunfrèntzia Aberta or with the QRcode on the poster. All participants who have registered, indicating their email in person or online, will then receive a form to fill out divided into thematic areas where they can enter their contributions

and suggestions.





Structure contacts:

Direzione generale dei Beni culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport

Servizio Lingua e Cultura sarda

Tel. +39 070 606 4948


2/12/2024 - 17:10

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